St. Januarius’ ancient blood has liquified again on the anniversary of his being invoked to stop a volcano. I made a quick chart of this event. At first glance, there isn’t anything to be seen. But, by looking at parallel aspects, everything is there. It is easy for the astrologer to get caught up in staring at the wheel chart, forgetting that it is an imperfect representation of what is happening in the sky. A parallel is not displayed on an astrology chart. They are only found on paper if you look for them, or if you let your astrology software point them out (I do). A parallel appears in the sky as the planets in a straight line. This is how the sky looked when this miracle occured (night mode for visibility):
Mercury, Sun, and Mars are in parallel. Not visible, on stellarium, are also Moon and Pluto in the same parallel. Here is the chart in SolarFire:
No obvious aspects to show the blood miracle. This lining of the planets are invisible unless you ask for SolarFire to show them to you, as I do:
Parallels are aspects in lattitude. Interpretively, they are read much as conjunctions. So, we have: “Blood (Mars) Watched (Moon);” “Blood (Mars) comes Alive (Sun);” “Blood (Mars) Announced (Mercury);” “Blood (Mars) Mystery (Pluto).” So, the entirety of the miracle appears in parallels aspects, rather than longitudal.
Mars is in the center of Sagittarius at 15 degrees. Sagittarius is ruled by Uranus. Transformation. The subrulers, in order, are Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. Transformation (Uranus) Communicated (Mercury) Blood (Venus, yes, Johndro also ascribes “blood” and “bleed” to Venus) Godly (Jupiter). So, all the elements of the event are within the rulers of this degree for Mars.
This event from a few days ago show it is a mistake to ignore parallels. They are crucial aspects, that are often obvious in the night sky, often as a dramatic straight line of planets in the sky. Johndro’s techniques also allow for a specifity to describe this miraculous phenomenon that standard astrological techniques and interpretation are insufficient for.